18 Aprile 2021



A noi di BEA piace sempre essere aggiornati sulle nuove scoperte e le incredibili storie legate al nostro campo di studi. Perciò, abbiamo deciso di condividere articoli, studi scientifici e video che troviamo d’ispirazione. Sperando che anche voi ne siate ispirati, cliccate sull’imagine/testo per visualizzare l’articolo o il video completo!


Anno Accademico 2020-2021

Ed ecco arrivato il momento più stressante del semestre: gli esami.

Come la stai affrontando? Fai fatica a concentrarti o a memorizzare? Tieni d’occhio i tuoi livelli di stress.

Lo stress è molto utile se presente in piccole dosi ma quando inizia ad essere continuo ed esagerato cambia il modo in cui il tuo cervello lavora provocandoti nervosismo e difficoltà nell’affrontare anche le cose più banali della giornata. Nel primo video Madhumita Murgia ci spiega come lo stress cronico possa influenzare le dimensioni del nostro cervello, la sua struttura e le funzionalità, scendendo fino a livello genico. Nel secondo video invece Elizabeth Cox ci mostra proprio il collegamento che c’è tra stress e memoria dandoci qualche piccolo consiglio su come prepararci a situazioni potenzialmente stressanti.

E sei così stressat* che fai fatica ad addormentarti? Scarica l’app Dreamcoins, ti offre 2 minuti di respiro guidato ogni giorno prima di andare a dormire o nei momenti in cui ne senti di più il bisogno. In base alla qualità del tuo respiro durante l’esercizio, monitorato tramite rilevamento della frequenza cardiaca, ti verranno assegnati dei coins che ti faranno competere nella classifica della community di Dreamcoins e ti faranno ottenere alcuni sconti. È gratuita. Provala, funziona!

Intanto buona pausa e buona visione!


Se bastasse la sola forza del pensiero per scrivere un messaggino sul telefono?

Alcuni ricercatori hanno sviluppato un’ interfaccia cervello-computer che consente di leggere i segnali cerebrali delle persone. In particolare, il soggetto doveva pensare di scrivere a mano un pensiero. In seguito l’interfaccia era in grado di acquisire i segnali elettrici e trasdurli in testo scritto su un monitor.  Si spera che questa tecnologia possa poi essere utilizzata per consentire alle persone paralizzate di comunicare più facilmente.


Si può realizzare un cuore in miniatura? La risposta è sì. Grazie all’avvento della tecnologia organ-on-chip, siamo in grado di creare un modello cardiaco in un dispositivo che ha le dimensioni di una moneta. 

Microfluidica, cellule staminali e stimoli meccanici, sono questi gli ingredienti che hanno dato vita a uBeat, un dispositivo sviluppato da BiomimiX, startup nata al Politecnico di Milano. 

Replicando con precisione le funzionalità del tessuto cardiaco, uBeat si pone l’obiettivo di superare i limiti delle colture in vitro standard e della sperimentazione animale, fornendo alla ricerca un potente strumento per il testing di farmaci. Il potenziale di questa tecnologia è immenso e permetterà, nei prossimi anni, di testare in modo rapido, preciso, efficace e a basso costo i potenziali candidati per il trattamento di numerose patologie.  




Stiamo vivendo una rivoluzione nel campo dello sviluppo e dell’applicazione dei vaccini. Buona parte dei cittadini di tutto il mondo hanno preso familiarità con prodotti biotecnologici che fino a un anno fa venivano considerati l’avanguardia della ricerca nel campo ed erano conosciuti solo da poche persone altamente specializzate.

Ma il pubblico oggi conosce davvero il potenziale di questa nuova generazione di vaccini?

In questa review, la Dott.ssa Özlem Türeci e il Dr. Uğur Şahin, immunologi e fondatori di BioNtech, riassumono le incredibili possibilità di questi nuovi vaccini, potenzialmente in grado di diventare una terapia universalmente applicabile per qualunque tipo di cancro.

Le difficoltà applicative sono ancora numerosissime, ma i progressi nel campo delle immunoterapie, del machine learning, del single-cell sequencing unito alle incredibili capacità di produzione che il mondo sta mettendo in piedi oggi, potrebbero davvero celare opportunità incredibili per il futuro dell’umanità.

E’ nostro dovere come futuri Bioingegneri, cittadini, donne e uomini, credere nella Scienza e sostenere i suoi sogni, perché i tempi che viviamo resteranno un monito imperituro del fatto che i nostri sforzi potrebbero davvero risultare utili un giorno, che sono importanti, e che l’intera umanità ne ha bisogno.


This video explains how taking Philips Ambient Experience and adding some Disney magic improves the radiology experience of children. They are helped to reduce the anxiety they feel when they need to have an MRI scan and to raise productivity. From a simple idea, things with great potential can be created.

What do you know about 3D bioprinting? Over the last few decades, inkjet-based, extrusion-based, and laser-assisted bioprinters have been developed.

This article will discuss the success of this emerging field in engineer cells and biomaterial-based 3D objects. Moreover, it will explain how bio-inks based on natural–synthetic biomaterials have been applied for tissue engineering in order to improve realistic artificial tissues and organs regeneration.

There are over 100 types of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), but only some pose a real threat to our health: the infection is caused by contact – mainly sexual contact – and it is usually transitory, since our immune system can eliminate the virus before it becomes dangerous. 

Some HPV strains may either cause abnormalities in the infected cells, leading to genital warts, or DNA mutations, increasing the risk of cancer: cervical cancer, mainly caused by HPV 16 and 18, is a well-known instance of this. 

Up to now, there is no pharmacological treatment and the development of the lesion after the infection can take up to 20 years to manifest; nonetheless, it is possible to identify abnormal cells before any serious damage, thanks to regular screenings! 

In addition, vaccination plays a key role in fighting HPV, with a 98% preventive efficacy: it can be carried out  at any age, but it is recommendable to act at an early age (even 12-year-old females and males can access vaccination in Italy). 

“So, while there’s still room for improvement, […] condom use, vaccination, and cervical screening can each reduce the harm caused by HPV.”

L’articolo pubblicato su «Nature » tratta il primo step del progetto SYNCH che mira a realizzare una connessione tra una rete di neuroni artificiali e una rete di neuroni cerebrali tramite elementi di dimensioni nanometriche, che verrebbero poi utilizzate in vivo per andare a sostituire reti neuronali danneggiate o assisterle nel percorso di recupero funzionale. Questa ricerca, finanziata dalla Commissione Europea, è stata condotta dal Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche dell’Università di Padova e spiega come sia possibile creare in vitro una rete composta da tre neuroni di cui uno biologico e due artificiali, collegati in una rete tramite connessioni memristive ispirate alle sinapsi. 

Emoty, il cipollotto giallo. E’ proprio così che viene chiamato da Fabio Catania, ideatore di questo personaggio animato e dottorando del Politecnico di Milano. Emoty, che ha catturato l’attenzione di Google ed è stato oggetto di tantissime conferenze, tra Amsterdam, Los Angeles e San Diego, ha il superpotere di riconoscere le emozioni, espresse tramite la voce, attraverso algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale, con lo scopo di aiutare i bambini con disturbi del neuro-sviluppo, a sviluppare le loro capacità comunicative, emotive e di socializzazione. 

Come dice il ricercatore stesso, Emoty ha anche il superpotere di avergli fatto capire che è proprio aiutare gli altri quello che anche lui vuole fare nella vita. 

Guardate il video per scoprirlo! 

Se vuoi fare del bene anche tu, puoi contribuire ad addestrare l’algoritmo, ascoltando o inviando un audio che rappresenti uno stato emotivo, al link https://lnkd.in/ebAucFZ

Did you ever hear about de-extinction? It is about bringing back to life species that until now were declared extinct. It sounds a bit crazy, but that is what some researchers around the world are working on.

The world of genetic engineering is giving us very promising tools to modify pieces of DNA and the possible applications are nearly infinite. George Church, professor of Genetics at Harvard and lead of Synthetic Biology of Wyss Institute, on his book “Regenesis” said about the Human Genome Project: “The genome that was actually sequenced was riddled with hundreds of gaps. While it was a historic milestone of science, it was nevertheless mostly symbolic—like the moon landing—and had relatively little value in practical, personal, or medical terms.” Instead, having the knowledge of functions related to parts of DNA and having the tools to change selected genes is powerful!

George Church’s lab at Harvard is working on the resurrection of the woolly mammoth – a species that disappeared from the Earth 4,000 years ago. His research group developed the amazing tool MAGE (Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering) which is able to change a large part of a genome at once, instead of single nucleotides at the time. This technique will enable them to make a mammoth–elephant hybrid using DNA from frozen mammoth carcasses.

Ethical concerns arose and the debate is still opened: is it ethical to invert the nature flow?


Anno Accademico 2019-2020

When a new pathogen emerges, our bodies and healthcare systems are left vulnerable. And when this pathogen causes the outbreak of a pandemic, there’s an urgent need for a vaccine to create widespread immunity with minimal loss of life. So how quickly can we develop vaccines when we need them most? Dan Kwartler describes the three phases of vaccine development.

We are all facing a challenging situation. We miss our friends and the places that we shared on a daily basis. We miss our university, being late for the 8.15am class or the beer after a full day of work with our classmates. We – as a student association – feel this change even more, because one of our core values is to connect people. 

So what will be the future of university? Will 2020-2021 academic year be virtual or in-person? 

Rumors say that Harvard will go virtually next academic year, even if any statement has been given yet. It would be a huge loss of the money (just think that university taxes can reach 80.000 US$ per year) for the university because of all the students who will decide to not enroll next academic year, since what makes Harvard one of the best universities in the world are not only its classes but also all the activities that make it a once in a lifetime experience. 

On this side of the ocean, our Rector Ferruccio Resta is absolutely sure that students’ presence in university is of fundamental importance. At the same time, he said he will allow people far from Milan to follow all the classes online.

This article from Nature makes a brief overview of what is happening around the globe and what will probably happen in the next future. 

It is true that carbon fiber running- specific prostheses (RSP) have allowed individuals with lower extremity amputation (ILEA) to actively participate in sporting activities but because of the high stiffness and low damping characteristic of chosen materials there is abnormal loading during running that can cause potential physical injuries and degenerative joint diseases.

The article talks about an experiment which was conducted on eight ILEA with unilateral transtibial amputations and eight control subjects at three speeds, in order to analyze the vertical ground reaction force (vGRF), in particular the vertical impact peak (VIP) and the vertical average loading rate (VALR). It is demonstrated that loading variables increase with an increase in running speed not only in able- bodied control runners but also in ILEA using RSPs. In addition, loading variables in the ILEA intact limb were greater than the prosthetic limb and the limbs of able- bodied control subjects for a range of running speeds. In this type of experiment, it is important to consider some aspects: the variation in the running experience and the type of the RSP.

A new era in cardiovascular medicine is marked by the adoption of Computational Fluid Dynamics modeling, the rapidly evolving science of solving numerically the equations of fluid motion in order to produce quantitative predictions and analyses of fluid flow phenomena.
Which could be the potential clinical impact of this science?
This article shows the benefits and the future challenges of it in diagnostic assessment, device design and clinical trials. With the aim of minimising invasive instrumentation, it has the potential to reduce time and risk associated with clinical trials.
Models incorporating specific data of the individual enable to individualize risk prediction and virtual treatment planning. In this context, the integration of multiple physiological models can lead to full system models, the ‘Virtual Physiological Human, to simulate the impact of various conditions, pathologies and treatments across multiple organ systems.

Over 250.000 patients die due to “medical errors” every year in the US. It’s the 3rd cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. How can we decrease this number?

This paper shows us a possible solution: 3D printed organ models are innovative surgical tools that can be used for pre-operative planning and surgical training. Indeed, many difficult surgical procedures need adequate study before entering the operating room, otherwise human error is just around the corner.

The paper reviews both pros and cons of most innovative 3D printed organs and makes also a discussion on which are the challenges they still have to take to be ready to use.

Before starting with the new topic, biomechanics, that you have chosen, we want to propose you an article written also by a professor of Politecnico di Milano about modeling the covid 19 epidemic. This model predicts the course of the epidemic to help plan an effective control strategy. The simulation results, obtained through the model, were compared with real data, resulting that restrictive social distancing, widespread testing and contact tracing will be needed in order to end the pandemic.

From many videos and photos published on social media, people have not really realized the situation: the epidemic is not concluded, the virus is still among us. This is why we must follow the restrictions given by the government in order to avoid the curve rising, and therefore to come back to phase one.

Robotic surgery, or robot-assisted surgery, allows doctors to perform many types of complex procedures with more precision, flexibility and control in comparison to conventional techniques.

What are the ancestors of modern surgical technologies?

This paper allows us to jump into the past discovering one of the first technologies used in this field: the Da Vinci surgical system. This one was approved in 2000 by the FDA and nowadays there are more than 1700 Da Vinci System installed in hospitals worldwide.

The paper analyses the impact of this system on general surgery showing us the starting point of robot-assisted surgery. 

The article discusses about a multicurved robotic finger, constituted by light emitting diodes (LED), photodiodes and few wire cables connecting the finger to the hand.

The LEDs are used in order to emit light, which is detected by the photodiodes after has been deformed due to the touch of finger.

Because of the huge number of detected signals and partial overlapping between themselves, human interpretation becomes difficult. Thus, machine learning algorithms are used in order to extract relevant information about contact location and applied normal force.

This finger can cover a complex 3D shape resulting in a tactile robot finger with no blind spots.

Introducing humanoid robots in the therapy of patients affected by autism spectrum disorder, patient’s social capabilities and motor skills could improve. It is demonstrated that, during the therapy, robot applications can facilitate patient’s participation and engagement. The purpose of the work was to design two embodied mirroring setups, using two motion capture systems, and to develop a prototype of an interactive mirroring game using the NAO robot. Wearable sensors and marker- less vision based devices were used, in particular Inertial Measurement Units and the Microsoft Kinect respectively, in order to measure movements of the upper limbs of two healthy subjects. Furthermore, the two setups were compared and the Kinect- based setup was chosen as the best candidate for clinical applications. 


The project was conducted also by students in a collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and Instituto Superior Tecnico de Lisboa and developed in NEARLab of Politecnico di Milano. 

Which could be the role of robotics in clinical care of infectious diseases? The authors of the article have identified medical areas of specific importance, in which robotics has a crucial impact in reducing the risk of infection. 

The main tasks of the robots are the sterilization of all high-touch surfaces through UV light devices, temperature measurement in public areas and in particular in hospital areas, through temperature sensors and vision algorithms. In addition, robots can participate in the automation of diagnostic testing, in order to avoid workforce mobilization. 

COVID-19 could represent the starting point for restoring the modus operandi of workers and may drive further research in robotics to address risks of infectious diseases.